Florida Frontiersmen Board, Staff, & Committees

Board, Staff, & Committees

Board of Directors

Greg Fulbright, President

Joe Noto, 1st Vice President and Range Officer

Randy Thomas, 2nd Vice President and Property Manager

Kathy Goforth, Secretary

Casey Fletcher, Treasurer

Range Officers

Joe Noto, Gun Range Officer

Brian Nesson, Hawk & Knife Range Officer

Scott Hofmister, Traditional Archer Range Officer


Kate Hall, Newsletter Editor

Sherri Cox, Club Registrar

Sherri Cox, Alafia River Rendezvous Registrar

Bev McIntyre, Constitution and Bylaws Librarian


Alan Rayl, Planning Committee Chairman

Michele Noto, Scholarship Program

Shari Keener, Education Committee

Jim Whatley, Youth Program

2022 Alafia River Rendezvous®

Frank and Liz Fulghum, Booshways
